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About AMX3D

AMX3d is a leading provider of top-notch 3D printing supplies that cater to customers who seek the highest quality. With a deep passion for 3D printing, the company's founders were visionary entrepreneurs well before the emergence of Rep Rap, which played a significant role in advancing the technology used in 3D printing. The roots of AMX3d trace back to a father and son team who established a mobile technology company in the suburbs of Chicago, initially as a hobby. Their primary focus was on developing innovative products specifically designed for improving the 3D printing process. These products were aimed at enhancing the structural integrity of 3D prints by addressing the need to clean up certain portions added during the printing process. Today, AMX3d continues to be at the forefront of the 3D printing industry, consistently delivering high-quality supplies and accessories that meet the demands of discerning customers. Their commitment to excellence and their understanding of the intricacies involved in 3D printing make them a trusted choice for individuals and businesses alike.